Games Workshops classic Realms of Chaos 'Slaves to darkness' to be re-printed and released
Games Workshops classic Realms of Chaos 'Slaves to darkness' to be re-printed and released One is aware one does not usually do GW partly out of the fact they have a massive PR engine and usually what one catches is in a private concept, journalism arguments aside. However, this one came via other sources so running with it. (please don't sue) See image of RoC SD bottom left Games Workshop it seems is again moving in interesting times and the new CEO is certainly showing that the company can be moved both forward in new and dynamic ways, yet still keep an emotional hand in the past and never more so that with the surprise reprint of the classic Rogue Trader WH40k, yet it seems that this was just the start and in what is expected to be very exciting news will soon join it the ever darkly exquisitely written Realms of Chaos 'Slave to darkness.' The book that brought Chaos to the minds of impressionable 80's teenagers and to be thought of as a game changer ...