Mini Games A new venture from Ramshackle Games

Mini Gangs a new range and Venture from Ramshackle Games

About: Mini Gangs is a tabletop strategy game for ages 7 and up.

 As part of our premis we are constantly on th look out for new and interesting developments in and around Nottinghamshire, and so we turn our eyes to Ramshackle Games and there new game currently in Development.

A new game is very much in development by Ramshackle Games, and working under the title of Mini Games, a fun and friendly tabletop miniature game that allows for quick style play games. While the rules are still a little way off we are getting our first quick look at some of the models ranges for it.

Quote "I made this page as I want to have a page for Minigangs. As Im still developing it I thought it might be fun to show some of the work from "behind the scenes". As I mentioned in my previous post Im writing rules and sculpting figures. I took some images of the progress so far. To make the models I use a wire armature and sculpt over the top with ProCreate. I usually start with the feet and work up. As you can see, some of the models are up to the neck, while some are still below the waist! The white parts are plasticard. I will post up some images of the plastic parts I make for the models too."

Well another day another model! Some suggestions for names would be great. This guy is the second of 4 in the Keychain Mohawks gang.

 Lady Ironstrike. Her shield is a separate part, attached by a tab onto the base stand. These images I'm posting up of these models are how they will be going to the casters. Several have extra or alternate parts

Well another day another model! Some suggestions for names would be great. This guy is the second of 4 in the Keychain Mohawks gang.

 well as we can see their is a lot of interesting ideas and variety with each gang having both a theme and dynamic pose. Yet the feel of a Steampunk vibe does run through the entire range.
 Looking forward to seeing more.


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